Demons Tier+ from Premium Edition Games For Nintendo Switch

2 years ago

In this episode, we share the news of a new partnership between Video Games Monthly & Premium Edition games & take a look at Demons Tier from Premium Edition Games For Nintendo Switch.

At the 2022 Midwest gaming classic, the folks at Premium Edition Games & video games monthly had a rather big announcement. They shared that they were entering a creative partnership that sought to benefit both companies. They would share resources, people, & marketing for the benefit of both companies. They also announced several new titles at the show, one of which we received a sample to check out in demons Tier. We've always loved other Premium Edition Games, so we were excited to check this one out.

One of the things I loved about this set was the box that it came in. It wasn't a traditional outer sleeve or anything like that for switch games, it was probably closer in size to a Super NES or an N64 box. That hit me in all the right memberberries. Inside the box was the cartridge itself & its own separate box, a number of goodies, & a CD featuring the soundtrack from the game.

Inside the game case, there are a few other items. There is a card included with game artwork on one side & the other has a challenge, should you choose to accept. You can try to win a patch showing your mastery of Demons Tier. Additionally, there is a full-color instruction manual that walk you through the story, controls, enemies, & more. I love things like this, & the fact that the Switch case has tabs to hold a manual molded into it & Nintendo doesn't include them is a real bummer to me.

Upon firing up the game, you get a brilliant-looking title screen, & you are immediately into the game. I was expecting more of a side scroller than what this is, a top-down twin-stick shooter. This definitely gave me vibes of games like Smash TV or Relic Hunters Zero Remix. When you get to the first town, & it will take you no time flat to get here, you're actually presented with a sign you can read that will allow you to change settings like a menu option. You can change the aspect ratio, change the filters, & more. While I am traditionally not a fan of CRTs & that overall look, I actually really did not like the CRT filter on this. It just looked muddy & blurry & obscured the characters on screen. This is not me hating on CRTs, which I will admit I'm not a fan of, but this was not a good CRT filter compared to what I've seen others do.

Spending about an hour on the game, I really had a lot of fun. Enemies come at you in hoards, fast & furious. In addition to fending off enemies, however, you also have to collect treasure chests with gold & other trinkets inside of them. You're running too many characters along the way, all of which have their own clever little quips they will deliver as you try to build up your arsenal & your team. This definitely feels like a game that I can pick up & play for 5 or 10 minutes & be satisfied, or I can sink hours into it & just be super focused. I'm excited to see what future levels hold.

Why it RoX:
- Amazingly fun
- Killer soundtrack, included on a CD!
- Great pack-ins
- Included manual
- Well written character dialogue

What could be improved:
- The CRT filter is not good
- Characters on screen are a bit small

Should you buy it?
Demons Tier is a game that should appeal to fans of the twin-stick shooter genre, collectathons, & quest-based games. While I wish the sprites were a bit bigger on screen, this is an excellent entry into the genre. And Premium Edition Games has put together a tremendous package here with lots of extras to raise the bar. If this is the first collaboration between Video Games Monthly & Premium Edition Games, I'm excited to see what the future holds!

#PremiumEditionGames #DemonTier #VideoGamesMonthly

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