Blindspot 48 - Thanks NATO! Libya @war 11yrs after bombing it in the name of the ‘Right to Protect’

2 years ago

Blindspot #048

Thanks NATO! Libya (still) at war 11 years after bombing it in the name of the ‘Right to Protect’ R2P

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

I - What happened in Tripoli?
II - Back to 2011 and the so-called ‘Right to Protect’ / R2P
III - Will Humpty Dumpty ever be made whole again?

In the past week violent clashes between Libya’s two rival ‘governments’ erupted in the capital city, Tripoli. Elections were scheduled to take place in December, 2021, these are now seemingly indefinitely postponed. However, this Blindspot is about much more than merely the recent armed confrontation between the UN backed/recognised government, and that of the East. It is about the deeper history that led to this situation.

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