You just lifted something and got severe lower back pain! What now?

1 year ago

This scenario has happened to millions of people and what have they typically done? Run to the orthopedist or neurologist because there was a culturally derived view that the cause of the pain is most likely from the spine. This is pure crap and clearly evidence has shown that the attempt to resolve the cause through the medical establishment is why chronic continues to remain and grow over the past 40 years.

What if a person was given some insight into a logical approach to think through the issue to reach a reasonable conclusion as to the cause and how to address it. Well here we go.

The first thing to think about is the fact that the pain was initiated by lifting an object or bending to grab the object. Bingo!!! Does this mean anything? Of course! What tissue is responsible for bending, grabbing or lifting? Muscle!!! Not your vertebrae; not your discs; not your nerves. The idea that a single activity could cause such severe damage to any of these structures enough to elicit a symptom is completely asinine. It is moronic to think that a simple event could lead to decay of structures designed to last you a lifetime.

So maybe you can now calm down and recognize that most likely you strained and possibly put into spasm some muscles in the back region. If you can find it within yourself to believe this, now let's end the pain. The first thing I would do is get on a flat surface and lay on your side. This will stop any requirements of weight bearing or supporting of the torso. Then apply some ice which if there is spasming will stop the spasms. Certainly you can take an NSAID if you feel this will help. The key here is to take any force requirements away from the muscles so they can relax.

Once things have calmed down and you can move around a bit, let's look at see if there are any corroborating symptoms to help explain which muscles are responsible. If there is excessive arching, limited range of motion in the lower back when you try to bend forward running your hands down your legs or you have difficulty grabbing your ankle and pulling our heel to your butt when standing, all of this indicates you are experiencing the most common muscular cause of back pain.

There is a muscular imbalance between the quads and hip flexors versus the hamstrings and gluteus maximus. A simply stretching of the first two muscles and strengthening of the latter two will achieve balance of muscle maintaining the proper posture in the lower back and allowing muscles to function optimally so you can do what ever you want when ever you want.

And all of this was achieved without ever entering the dark side!!!

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