Light Instrumental Music - morning, positive, uplifting - N°104

1 year ago

Light instrumental music with a positive and uplifting character and coastal footage from Corsica …come with me on a hike to Capo Rosso for a few wonderful views!
Music: N°104 (by relaxdaily)

...So, this was one of my rather exhausting hikes. But also a rather special one. I started on a good weather morning around 6 am towards that tower I could see in some distance (Corsica, France, Capo Rosso). Location looked promising, though I didn't know exactly what I could expect.
...8 am, the few drinks I had with me are already used up. 9 am, a little rest: I'm swimming in the best outdoor “pool” one can imagine. Don’t tell anyone, because I used paths that actually didn’t exist to get down here. But like so often I wanted to get closer to the thing to share this wonderful beauty from a good looking angle with you, and there simply used to be this clear and inviting water!
1 pm, I’m at the tower of Capo Rosso. …what a view! On such a sunny day, this gets a personal “world class view” rating from me. We’re (still) living on a wonderful planet!
2 pm, on my way back to the car. I see stars in front of my eyes. I’d rate this hike as just moderately difficult, even kids were going up there, but my water supply was definitely not sufficient. The cam on my back suddenly becomes heavier and heavier, my steps shorter. I still hesitate to ask people I meet for water. “Are you serious?”, one French guy seeing me with the equipment on my back askes. After exchanging a few sentences in English, he offers me a sip of his water. What a relief (thank you, thank you, thank you)! And another example that we humans are a great and caring species at times. 30 minutes later I am back at my car. Feeling great (after a few cold drinks from the bar next to the parking site). This was very special hike. Saw, experienced and captured beauty one more time :)
...Back at home I simply had to create a rather uplifting relaxdaily tune next to these images. There will come a time for calmer ones again. This is relaxdaily N°104.

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