Trinity, Trinidad, Electric Cities Economical & Metaphysical Resets Simplified

2 years ago

Electric Cities Economical & Metaphysical Resets Simplified… Zones Without Protection Laws From LF, RF, EMF Pollution,Targeted Regional Markets…Western World… Vks Operating System /Soul Catcher Tech etc…Newage Frequency Deception Explained Due To Nano Grid Artificial Spiritual Awakenings.SmartWeather…Order From Chaos ,Cannibal Grooming…Soul Recycling/New Immigrants Replacements
One will notice in old paintings and illustrations many beings living on a cloud some godlike and others different. This is why many kingdoms of the past ended the same meltdowns ionised grounding of the atmosphere…using this consolidated grid cloud tech now animated by nano…Immortalilty for some and sacrifice for others… in this new paradigm. A City device with buildings using apartments as cells =batteries. Artificial beings use as fuel or demons feed off…Legislated Black Magick/Telecom.

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