[Summoners War] 40s Kyle GB12 team, I'm almost there! - Bluzeh's Summoners War diary

2 years ago

My 40s GB12 team is runed ready, just need max Sophia's S3 to stablize.
Requirements and tips:
1. Julie - +169 speed, max s3, lots of additional damage from speed
2. Lushen - +120 speed, 85% CR, max s3
Julie S3 + Lushen S3 must clear wave
3. Sophia - +86 speed, 65% S3 acc (85% recommended), max s3 highly recommended, as many fight sets as you can
4. Kyle - +62 speed, 100% CR, as many damage as you can
5. Water Garuda - +65 speed and slower than Kyle, 3 sets of fight, do not awaken

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