Melbourne Protest Rally - 27 08 2022 - Part 5 of 7

1 year ago

Doctors Speak Out against their restrictions and crimes against humanity and the psychopaths enforcing their evils against humanity in various ways At Victoria State Library - From Medical Abuses, Farmer Food Restrictions, Financial System, and much more.

Singing of a song "I Am Australian".
Speech from Australian Farmer about their battle with media censorship, WEF committed to destroy agriculture & create food shortages, and they coming to Melbourne with their Tractors with the M2M ( Mission 2 Melbourne ).
Medical Crises and Health Professional Staff shortages is politician made problem caused by not allowing the qualified medical staff to work - such as those medical professionals at the rally behind him.
They need to be in the hospitals and ambulances and emergency rooms, and not sitting at home or walking here ( due to the no deadly poison injection - no job, mandate ).
Mission 2 Melbourne.

March down Swanston Street to Lonsdale Street
March up Lonsdale Street & Dynamic Rhythmic Drumming.
Criminals On Patrol line up at Dynamic Drummers location not providing space to people who are already there.

March from Lonsdale Street to Russel Street.
March from Russel Street to Burke Street.
March up Burke Street to house of treason / parliament house.

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