Silver Orb UFO Seen in Montana and Red Orb UFO encountered in New Zealand

2 years ago

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This video contains my very own, very personal, account of events that took place in the 2000's
All the photos in this video were sourced using UnSplash've-used-in-my-projects
The music in this video is called Ghosting and was written and produced by Kerin Gedge, which happens to be me! I will provide a link to it for download when I can.
Today’s quick tale comes from YouTube user Panda-pye365 of Montana, Who recalls how at the young age of only 5 years old she saw what she described as a “strange object in the air.”
There was nothing unusual about that day before the event took place. She had made new friends with a girl who had just moved in across the street, who, along with the new girl’s brother, taught her the intricacies of a new game they called hide and seek tag.
The three of them played the day away, having a lot of fun, until in the middle of the game, while Panda made a mad dash for an old Ford Bronco which had been designated as the game’s “Safety Zone”, she suddenly felt a strange urge to stop running and to look up…
She recalls that the sky that day was clear and blue. No wind nor a simple breeze was felt by the tall pines as they stood perfectly still, pointing like giant wooden fingers to the mystery in the sky…
There was an object above, perfectly round and in her words, impossibly reflective. She stared at the strange orb and felt her entire body turn cold. She found herself having the curious sensation that even as she observed this suspended sphere in the sky, it too was watching her.
Only moments later it moved, first in a little loop and then zooming away at an unearthly speed.
Being a 5 year old child, Panda went right back to playing her game of hide and seek tag with her new found friends.
Considering the length of time that has passed since she saw the strange silver eye in the sky, Panda has wondered if this was perhaps a dream, did it really happen?
Perhaps if this was a one time happening it would be easy to dismiss, but the truth is that human beings have been encountering objects in the sky for hundreds of years.
More recently, in 2020, according to, Montana ranked number two among the US states with the most UFO sightings that year. , so it is not outside the realm of possibility that she saw something, and perhaps wasn’t the only one who saw it that day...
Find out more by watching the video!
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Please share your experience with me by following the link in the description below, or simply write to me at
Read the original Quora story here
#TellYourTale #GhostStories #KerinGedge

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