blessings and curses

1 year ago

A simple look at the statistics show that there is no significant difference in the numbers of divorce, adultery, fornication, drug abuse, sexual abuse, infanticide (known as abortion), and other moral sins between those who claim to be believers in Yeshua and those who do not.

This is the reason the world we live in has changed so dramatically; The people of GOD can no longer claim moral high ground. As with those who chose to follow the unbelief of the ten spies instead of holding fast in faithfulness believing in GOD promises, many faith leaders now preach and believe that a follower of Yeshua has no responsibility to obedience because Yeshua did away with the Laws of GOD and now they live by grace. When you teach people that GOD’s instructions and commandments are done away with, this slippery slope of disobedience is the result of unbelief and has resulted in every man doing what is right in his own sight.

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