Systems Overwhelm

2 years ago

So I am, you know, a systems Kahuna, and I really believe that systems are just pre-decided actions. These are the things that you know you should do in order to get the results that you want.

So you determine that in advance and you create these frameworks.
Really that is one definition of systems. One of the things that I'm doing now is offering people an opportunity to work with me in a way that allows them to not be so overwhelmed because that's what happens.

You think you're supposed to be doing all these things. And as a matter of fact, there are people out here who are telling you.
You have to do this and you have to do that and you know what I'm talking about. Everything from the funnels and the Facebook Lives and Instagram Stories and, then there's doing stuff in terms of the business, the administrative stuff, the the books and leads and all these things that everyone
I'm not saying that some of those things aren't the things that you have to do, but I think the overwhelm comes in because people are trying to do all of it.
They think they have to do all of it, and they think they have to do all of it at the same time. And they have to do it the way that they think everyone else is doing it.

So that is an area that I work with clients. And, of course, we'll be you know, at the end, I'm gonna share more information to talk about how I might help some others who are struggling with that.

But I would just really want people to not allow themselves to be overwhelmed, but to focus on what's right for them.

Because that's another thing, we're all different. We work differently. We need different tools, we need different systems, and we need different levels of systems.

So I have a thing that I call no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech. And sometimes we have to decide what the situation or circumstance calls for as well as what we are equipped to give.

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