[Narrative Dissonance] QAnon Mom | With Megan Fox

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Juliet and Carter are joined by panelist Megan Fox. For years, Megan has been covering the story of "Qanon mom" Cynthia Abcug, whose trial just came to a close last week. Megan articulates what the mainstream got wrong about Abcug, and exposes the atrocities committed by the unaccountable foster care and child protective services systems. Should people have any confidence whatsoever in the legal system when it comes to how they treat parents?

Megan Fox is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and author of Believe Evidence; the death of due process from Salome to #MeToo and Shut Up! The Bizarre War that One Public Library Waged Against the First Amendment.

Find her online:
Twitter: @MeganFoxWriter
Gab @MeganFox
PJ media: /columnist/megan-fox

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About Narrative Dissonance
"Narrative Dissonance" is a weekly series dedicated to shattering the narrative of the mainstream press. Each week, a team of panelists from alternative media sources unravel the latest misleading mainstream narratives and explore relevant stories that journalists in the corporate press ought to be covering, but aren't.

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