Episode 823: What is Prolegomena?

1 year ago

The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians:
Title: Colossians is named for the city of Colossae, to which the church it was addressed to was located. This letter would also be read in the neighboring church, Laodicea (Col 4:16)
And when this epistle shall have been read with you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans: and that you read that which is of the Laodiceans.
Author and Co- author: Paul and Timothy, in the closing verse 4:18 identifying Paul as the main writer.
The salutation of Paul with my own hand. Be mindful of my bands. Grace be with you. Amen.
Audience: Christians, saints, God’s holy people, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ
Time period: 60-62 AD
Colossians is one of four prison epistles by Paul, they included:
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon
- Colossae was an ancient city in the middle of a network of cities in western Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). The city lay next to the Lycus River.
- Colosse was a thriving city and one of the most celebrated in the 5th century BC when the Persian king Xerxes (Ahasuerus) marched through the region. (Esth 1:1)
- The city was situated at the junction of a main north-south and east-west trade route and was known for its wool and textiles.
- By the first century, when this letter was written, the city was less prominent, the main trade route had been rerouted through nearby Laodicea thus leading to a major decline. Historians speak of an earthquake sometime during 60-64AD that seriously damaged the city.
- Colossae population at this point was a mix of Jew and Gentile, predominately a Gentile culture.
- The church, is in its infancy stage, with less than 30 years passed since the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
- Gnosticism and Old Testament rituals of Judaism have already crept into the early church.
The purpose of Paul’s letter:
- To correct the false teachings of Jewish legalism and pagan mysticism within the church by reminding the saints of who Christ was.

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