Tlolocaust Episode 23 - The Certainty of Steal

1 year ago

Episode Summary:

Ever wondered what it'd feel like for an IRS agent in a wheel chair to point a gun at you because you claimed one too many dependents? You could ask Dial to do it or you could just watch this podcast instead!

The government admits UFOs are a real threat, but nobody gives a shit because muh taxes and gas prices. The exception might be Dangus who prays they have quadruple breasted alien women who enjoy cooking and cleaning (where do the extra 2 boobs go, though?).

Israel is creating headless clones and v0atmage is a little too excited by the news, offending both trumpman and dirtywhiteboy's delicate sensibilities.

Finally, Biden is a stumbling incoherent mess, per usual. I bet the actor
playing him in "My Son Hunter" is too alert and mentally present to portray him properly, but searchvoat will still end up watching it.


dirtywhiteboy (aka driving while black),
trumpman9000 (aka geno the IRS, in meincraft)

Show notes:\

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