This is What it Means to Experience Life

1 year ago

To me, the goal of life is to write a story.

Your life should be interesting enough that someone would be immersed by reading it.

Personally, I think a lot of people don’t and won’t have compelling lives.


Because most people don’t like risk.

Most people simply seek pleasure.

But all good stories involve constant ups and downs.

If Hercules had no trials to overcome, he’d be boring.

If Harry Potter didn’t lose his parents and struggle to defeat Voldemort, the story wouldn’t be interesting.

If the Avengers didn’t fight threatening foes like Thanos that could win, the trial would be irrelevant.

Your life should be a story worth reading.

And every story worth reading requires risk, failures, and victories.

#storyofmylife #lifestory #livelifehappy #livewell #podcastaddict #lifelessonslearned

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