Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 12th Dominica after Pentecost...28 August 2022 AD...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 12th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, and Feast of St.Hermes, Martyr...28 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 12th Dominica after Pentecost...28 August 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches His true Catholic faithful, and what a beautiful word that is - Catholic faithful, that it is not enough to claim to be Catholic, but that the Laws of God and of His Church, the true Catholic Church, must be punctually obeyed, and by rebuking the Lawyer of the Mosaic Law for his testing Our Lord to define who is our neighbor, Our Lord in the example quoted reveals what even today applies...that the self-invited false teachers, like back then the usurpers the Pharisees and scribes were, so are today the false prophets, the impostors of the most notorious pro-communist APOSTATE Sect Novus Ordo, teaching heretical false doctrines against the Divinely revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and these apostate and heretics, pretenders to the Faith, do this diabolical evil in order to destroy souls for their master the devil, them possessed by Satan, so like he is evil so they are evil, the heretics of SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics, all and every one of them, servants of the devil, the Pharisees of the present time, and God will repay them their demonic heretical lies with severe punishment. But Our Lord's true Roman Catholic Church continues, with His Divine help and by Divine Right, to teach, govern, sanctify and save all men, but only those who sincerely desire to save their immortal soul for all eternity, which sacred task outside the true Roman Catholic Church is impossible...


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