Revenue Goals?

2 years ago

What are your revenue goals for your business? He started to tell me, and then he's like, well, here's what I'm gonna do.
I have this much money in savings, and so I'm gonna I'll keep doing this, that, and the other thing until the savings is gone, and then I'll probably get a loan.
I'm like, no. No. No.
What is your intention for how much money you're going to bring into your business? And he's like, well, I haven't thought of that.

A lot of people haven't.
Right? If you're listening to this right now and you don't have a goal for your revenue, even if it's five dollars. Right? That's a problem.

So really start thinking about setting some really clear goals for yourself about what it is.
So this person, he had no goal. He was just gonna use up his savings, and then he was gonna go into debt. And that was his plan.
I said, well, wait a minute.
When was the last time you felt really good about how much money you made?
And he's like, well, I probably felt really good when I made about sixty thousand a year. And I'm like, okay. Well, could that be your goal? Because you've already done that before. Would it be feasible for you to do that given your business?
And he said, sure.
I heard from him a couple of years ago. He was making, like, 250K dollars a year. He had hired a staff, and his business just keeps growing.

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