Google Info Tab

1 year ago

I want you guys to look at it, and that was your Info tab. The reason you need to look at it periodically is twofold. One, Google will periodically add things there that might apply to your business. Especially when COVID hit, they really started adding different options that you can add to your profile if it pertained to you. So you always want to check and just kinda go through there and say, you know, is there anything else here that they've made available that would be a benefit to me? The other thing you want to look for
is Google also seems to add things randomly that are incorrect and don't belong to me. So I go through there periodically and I delete stuff that is not relevant. And this mostly happens within my products and services tabs.
So you want to keep an eye on that and make sure that they're not randomly
adding things that you don't do. And if they do, just delete them. It's super annoying, but it's something we have to stay on top of.

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