The SHOCKING Way Big Pharma Biases The Peer Review Process

1 year ago

Dr. John Abramson talks about how pharma companies will influence peer-reviewed studies to push their drugs on consumers.

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Do I was a family doc. I opened up my practice in 1982 about an hour north of Boston. and I was very happy as a family doctor. I became chair of family madison at Lahey clinic. And I was teaching at Harvard medical school. and really quite happy being in the community and part of the community. I had done a robot with a johnson fellowship at the end of my residency. And I learned research design statistics and epidemiology with the idea of being able having the option to go into an academic career. But I decided that I really like taking care of people in the community. So that's what I was doing and I was doing it happily but as the late 90s approached it became clear that the drug companies were having a greater and greater influence on what doctors thought the right way to teach their treat their patients was. The first example was hormone replacement therapy with the idea that all postmenopausal women should without contraindication take hormone replacement therapy. Even as the evidence grew that hormone replacement therapy increased the risk of breast cancer. And yet the drug companies even my colleagues were going to continuing medical education courses that continued to advocate the use of hormone replacement therapy. For post-menopausal women. And then Vioxx came along. Vioxx was an arthritis drug that doesn't provide any better relief for arthritis pain or other kinds of pain. But ostensibly decrease the risk of serious GI bleeds. And I got into the FDA data which was very hard to get into but once you're there there's a treasure trove of information. And what the FDA data clearly showed was that Vioxx was a dangerous drug and more than doubled the risk of serious cardiovascular complications compared to routine arthritis drugs. and what happened is the new England journal of medicine published Merck's big study that claimed to show that box was a safer drug than the other anti-inflammatory drugs. and yet in black and white, the FDA was saying no this is wrong. This is a more dangerous drug.

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