Chronic Pain- Is Cultural Not Medical! Watch this and tell me this doesn't make perfect sense.

1 year ago

For every person out there suffering with chronic pain, at some point you will have to eventually determine whether the very method being used to diagnose and treat you is valid or not. You will have to determine whether it makes sense that a diagnostic test identifies a cause of pain and yet every treatment provided included surgery doesn't seem to resolve the pain. Why is it that the pain seems to only be brought on by activity and seems to diminish with rest. The pain is not constant which you would expect is a structural variation were to elicit pain.

Why is it after years, even decades with all the effort, time and money you are still living in pain. And it is not just you, ask the other 130 million Americans and 1 billion people worldwide why they are still living in pain.

At some point you may come to the conclusion i have after treating people successfully in ending their pain and returning them to full functional capacity. Maybe, chronic pain is not a medical phenomenon, it is a cultural phenomenon. Maybe that use of diagnostic testing is baseless and finds structural variations that exist but are not the cause of the pain. Maybe the cause of pain is muscular which don't show up on diagnostic tests nor is there any medical specialty educated or trained to identify them. Maybe the global population's acceptance of something that doesn't work is why the actual cause of pain is never identified and why chronic pain continues. Because the tissue in distress, muscle continues to remain in distress because it is never identified and resolved through targeted progressive resistance strength training.

This is the most logical rationale for chronic pain. By the way, chronic never existed in mankind. It began in the late 1980s shortly after the use of the MRI was implemented. It is also about the time technology was developed to where most manual jobs began to be performed through computer and a whole new line of jobs developed around the running and maintenance of computers which led to people becoming weaker and therefore more susceptible to straining and eliciting pain from ages as low as the 20s to the 90s.

Those that seek the Yass method are already there. They get it and they know the only way they are going to resolve their pain and achieve full functional is to understand which muscles are creating their pain and learn how to strengthen them appropriately. For the rest of you, it is going to take a hard look at your circumstances to finally reason the problem isn't you, it is the system.

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