Almost 100% of you would think this woman's issue was nerve. You all would be wrong. Here's why.

2 years ago

Everybody has been programmed to believe that tingling and numbness in the had means a nerve issue. This is simply not true. Muscles can refer symptoms just like nerves. The key to knowing which is creating the symptoms is carefully evaluating the symptoms.

Diagnostic testing will never allow the proper differentiation quite simply because muscular causes do not show up on diagnostic tests. Let leaves you will only one possible cause when it could be others. That is a bad equation and is key to why misdiagnosis is so prevalent.

Listen to the keys that were brought out with this woman during a Yass Method evaluation which clearly proved the cause was muscular and related to shoulder dysfunction and had nothing to do with the cervical spine or discs, pinched nerves or stenosis.

If you are having symptoms simply accepting a diagnostic test finding is basically giving up your rights to having a comprehensive physical evaluation which is the best way to identify the actual tissue creating the symptoms being experienced. Remember every tissue creates specific symptoms and therefore the best way to identify the tissue eliciting those symptoms is to interpret the very symptoms.

I hope this video and all the videos are provide enlighten people to an understanding as to the most effective way to diagnose and treat the cause of your symptoms. Everybody has a right to live symptom free and there is a legitimate path to achieving this goal. Chronic pain is a recognition that the wrong tissue has been identified and treated and the tissue in distress from the beginning continues to be in distress.

You don't have to live like this. Get a Yass Method in-person session if in the Jacksonville, Florida area or a Yass Method zoom session is not. The sessions include the evaluation and treatment. Total amount of equipment required for a zoom session is a resistance band and chair. The sessions are videotaped so you have that going forward to make sure you are doing things correctly and utilizing the correct amount of resistance. Follow up sessions are recommended every 2 weeks to make sure you are kept on schedule to achieve a pain-free fully functional lifestyle in the shortest period of time.

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If you would like to schedule a Yass Method zoom session, click on the link: You will see how the sessions work and what to expect and when ready pick a day and time that is best for you.

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