The Yass Method: Imagine it as the mutant step child of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Albert Einstein

1 year ago

It is so common once the Yass Method resolves someone's pain and dysfunction in a session or two, for that person to want to tell family, friends and coworkers also suffering with pain to seek its care to resolve their symptoms and dysfunction. Inevitably the person asks how it works and the person says it uses specific exercises to resolve the symptoms. The person being told about the method says they tried exercises and it didn't work and in fact may have increased their pain.

Those that receive the treatment have difficulty in differentiating the Yass Method because they don't fully understand what makes it so unique. That is why I made this video. The method is employed not by some curriculum I obtained, but based on an understanding I developed about muscle and strengthening more than 30 years ago.

Due to self esteem issues from being extremely skinny, I tried to get stronger using the usual methods promoted by the fitness industry. Unfortunately my metabolism was so fast that it wouldn't take. Then at 26 years old I remembered I had taken a high school physics course. I thought to myself that weight lifting was controlled by physics laws as weight was really just a force vector pointing toward the ground. I started to apply the laws of physics and within 4 years I put on 40 pounds of muscles. Subsequently I have put on another 20 pounds. This self derived understanding became the basis of how I treated people once I graduated physical therapy school. I had recognized that in more than 98% of cases the cause of pain is muscular. This set me up perfectly to be able to use my understanding to isolate any person's muscles and cause them to adapt to greater resistance causing them to get stronger until the muscle's output was greater then the force output of the activities being performed leading to being pain-free and fully functional.

The advantage I have over most people trying to treat pain and other symptoms is that I determined that in more than 98% cases, the cause is muscle even when structural abnormalities are identified by diagnostic test. And then I have personally developed an understanding of strength training which first went through me and then through the thousands I have treated.

The analogy here is trying to present the idea that if you want to make people stronger you have to have had the experience in strength training to have felt the nuance needed to perform it optimally and the intellect in the theory of strength training to know what that nuance represents. This is a God given understanding and I appreciate the opportunity to provide this gift of understanding every time I work with somebody.

If you are a person that has been resolved by the Yass Method and has difficulty trying to convince people that it is different than anything that exists in the medical establishment or fitness world, just show them this video. Hopefully it will inspire them to want to try the method and make the appointment that will transform their life as it did for every person out their trying to let others know this exists.

If this video is helpful, please give it a thumb's up.

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