Mark Walker at the 2021 NC Faith & Freedom Salt & Light Conference

2 years ago

The 2021 NC Faith & Freedom Salt and Light Conference was held at Temple Baptist Church in Mount Airy, NC on Saturday, September 25th. Former Congressman Mark Walker was one of the speakers.

Mark Walker served as North Carolina's 6th district Congressman from 2015 until 2021. Mark was defeated by Congressman Ted Budd in the 2022 primary race for the US Senate seat currently held by Senator Richard Burr.

In Washington, Walker served as the Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference, the top Republican on the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, the Chairman of the Prayer Caucus, and the Chairman of the Republican Study Committee.

Before serving in Congress, Mark served in various pastoral roles including executive and senior pastor positions. He served as a guest lecturer on mentorship and administration at Liberty University.

Prior to his time in ministry, Walker worked in finance management for the Flow Automotive organization and graduated from Piedmont International University. Mark and his wife Kelly reside in Greensboro, NC.

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