High Electric Bills - Farmers Protesting Over Emissions and Irrigation

1 year ago

High Electric Bills - Farmers Protesting Over Emissions and Irrigation Video:

Several countries are receiving extremely high electric bills and farmers protesting over Emissions and Irrigation. These energy bills are significantly unbelievable. There is a couple that has an $18,000 electric bill in Hawaii. All of this is in the news.

In the High Electric Bills - Farmers Protesting video, we show footage from several countries that have damaged electric company property, due to having high energy bills. The farmers are having a rough time due to emission requirements and the denial of irrigation for crops.

US News Today:

As far as the couple that received the $18,000 electric bill, they were charged for the new street lights on their street. The article is below where they stated that when they agreed to pay their mortgage, they didn't agree to pay for street lights.

EU News and Other News Today:

Currently, crops are being wasted due to irrigation restrictions. The crops will spoil and could lead up to a crisis. This video addressed the following conflicts:

High electric bills Scotland
French farmers unable to irrigate farms - Result: Food Shortage
*France is experiencing a drought
Pakistan high electric price hike increase

The electricity price increase in Pakistan is hurting their economy. The Pakistani people are doing what they can despite the electricity prices hike in Pakistan. The electricity price hike is affecting acquiring food and other necessities that a person needs on a month-to-month basis.

People took to the streets that are hungry looking for politicians:
(News today Bangladesh)

Bangladesh Citizens wanted answers for all the passed measures and their current conditions. Having food is another factor.

With all the turmoil, people will need to come together. I can foresee this becoming a problem worldwide. All the above instances can result in a food shortage in many countries. If people are unable to pay their high electric bills, then they will not be able to afford the basic necessities. If the farmers are unable to water their crops, along with high electric bills, then they also will not be able to buy necessities and the lack of water will result in a food shortage.

If the world can make it rain through cloud seeding, then there shouldn't be a drought anywhere in the world. The only problem is trying to find a way that cloud seeding isn't toxic with chemicals.

This isn't financial advice, yet now I can see why people invest in energy and prison stocks.

Not sure if the global news covers this, but it should be considered global news. If not, it should be regarded as international news.

I don't possess a major in Geology or am I a topologist, yet the earth and its experiences fascinate my curiosity. I honestly have learned to love nature and am crawling my way back to understanding nature from a spiritual sense.

Thanks, subscribers and visitors. Really appreciate you stopping by the channel. This is Phoenix Ankaa bringing new information to you on the Phoenix Ankaa Youtube Channel.

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Links for informational purposes:

For Scotland: Get help with energy bills

Couple with $18K electric bill stuck in limbo

The French government has set up a crisis team to tackle a historic drought that has left more than 100 municipalities short of drinking water.

K-Electric office stormed against over-billing, power outages

Why Dutch farmers are protesting over emissions cuts

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