The lion is very cool.

1 year ago

1) Lions live in a group which is called as "pride"; 10 to 40 lions live in a pride.

2) In the group there are only 1 to 2 adult lions and others are lioness and their cubs.

3) Lions are very protective to themselves, their cubs and their area where they live.

4) Lions fight with other animals in order to protect their food as well as their group.

5) Male lions generally stay with their group and female lions do the hunting.

6) Approximately there are 10 sub-species of lions found in different parts of the world.

7) "South African Lion" or "Transvaal Lion" is considered as the largest sub-species of lions.

8) There are approximately 20000 to 39000 lions left in the world with 650 lions living in India.

9) Excessive hunting of lions has reduced their population worldwide which is posing a threat to ecosystem.

10) Lions are also kept in zoo for entertainment and recreation of the


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