528 hz - dna repair frequency

1 year ago

528 Hz.- The Healing Frequency of Life and DNA.

The frequency 528 Hz has been used by biochemists to repair human DNA. This frequency appears to affect the water molecules surrounding the DNA helix, thus resulting in healing effects on DNA.

According to Dr. Horowitz, all healing occurs because of sound waves or vibrations that resonate throughout the Universe. He states that human cells use DNA, like radios use antennas, to receive the vibrations of notes and tune the body's rhythm to that of the Cosmos.
He refers to the 528 Hz Solfeggio note as "the Frequency of Love" which, in addition to providing health benefits, opens portals to spiritual transformation and awakening.
According to him, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA, as this is the only frequency associated with DNA repair.

This is echoed by Dr. Candice Pert who states that energy and vibration reach down to the cellular level, opening chromosomes and exposing DNA to frequencies.

The Love 528 Hz frequency is the "Miracle" note of the original Solfeggio musical scale.
Independently confirmed by researchers, this was used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to create miraculous manifestations of what is faithfully imagined and intended.
The 528Hz frequency is still used in this way by those who have not forgotten its power.

528Hz is the bioenergy of health and longevity.
It is the harmonic vibration that lifts your heart.
It is the frequency of love.
More and more people are awakening spiritually, mentally and emotionally and choosing to be attuned to 528Hz.
This healing frequency helps us flow in perfect rhythm and harmony.
Dr. Horrowtiz, the world's foremost expert on the effects of the 528 Hz frequency, encourages us to use it to restore human consciousness to its full power and potential.

The 528 Hz frequency resonates in the heart of the Sun (recorded by NASA scientists).
Sunbeams, rainbow, flowers, grass and even the hum of bees vibrate at 528Hz.
Nature in balance vibrates at 528Hz.
It is the frequency of life itself.

Chlorophyll and its green/yellow color vibrates at 528Hz and is the most powerful healing pigment in biology, because people and animals eat grass to regain their health.
The air we breathe is filled with Prana/Chi - the universal life force vibrating at 528 H, which naturally restores and invigorates every strand of DNA and cells in your body, encouraging balance, health and harmony in dissonant systems devoid of electronic energy.

In 2010, John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert from Canada, along with his research partner Nancy Lazaryan, used the frequency of 528 Hz and other Solfeggio tones to reduce oil and grease in polluted waters following the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Several Gulf water samples were brought to John's lab in Vancouver.
Together, John and Nancy worked to identify some ancient harmonics used in healing over millennia.

Hutchison and Lazaryan collected water samples in quartz jars on Oct. 18. These control samples, wrapped in several layers of aluminum foil, were taken 60 miles away from the effects of the frequencies.
Samples following harmonic treatment were collected on October 22.
All samples were tested on Oct. 26, demonstrating that the amount of oil and grease before frequency treatment was measured at 7 ppm, (parts per million), while samples subjected to frequency exposure measured less than 1 ppm, a significant, even miraculous, reduction in toxic chemical composition.

The researchers said that the day after their test, "The fish were jumping ... the water that was previously dark brown was a clear green. Two dolphins approached, while fish and crabs were very active in the cured waters."

In just 24 hours, John and Nancy using audio and radio frequencies cleared almost all of the oil and toxins for over 1 km. with no known side effects.

The results were also certified by Dr. Robert Naman, an analytical chemist with 30 years of experience and President of the Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Alabama.

This experiment thus proved that polluted water can be treated, purified and cured using the 528 Hz frequency.

The 528 Hz is one of the best frequencies of the Solfeggio and has a very relaxing effect on the mind and body.
Listening to it before going to sleep can help people with sleep disorders to improve the quality of their sleep.

Here are some of the benefits of 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency music:
✓ Restores human DNA to its original, perfect state.
✓ Brings transformation and healing into your life.
✓ DNA repair is followed by its beneficial effects of increased energy.
✓ It also helps balance and tune the Solar Plexus Chakra which helps you have more self-confidence and self-esteem.

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