Robbers Attack Off-Duty Cop In New York

1 year ago

Robbers Attack Off-Duty Cop In New York

Aug 25, 2022 Robbers Off-Duty New York Cop

If the cops can't depend on the cops to keep them safe, what makes you think you can?

These criminals rob people in broad daylight like they're playing Grand theft auto live.

They're not scared of the cops.

They're not scared of jail.

The only thing they're scared of is running up on someone with a gun that knows how to use it.

The disparity of force is real, and places like New York City have done their best to ensure that if something like this happens to you, you won't have what you need to deal with it, and that's the problem.

If a story about a cop being attacked in a city with the biggest police force in the country doesn't make you realize that your safety is in your own hands, I don't know what will.

Feeling safe doesn't mean you are safe.

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