Are You A Good Investment?

1 year ago

A lot of this video feels like me berating my younger self haha.

It's not you, it was definitely me.

There's a hidden cost to learning for free, yes the best stuff is always hidden behind a paywall but it's a bit deeper than that.

We're conditioned on a daily basis to consume, but to be a person of value you MUST produce.

Trying to expand yourself from a place of scarcity will absolutely keep you in scarcity.

Return. On. Investment. If you can't get an ROI on yourself, how can you expect to get an ROI on your life.

Money in, money out. If you can't understand this concept we can't have a serious conversation.

Show yourself that you are in fact, worth the effort.

#investinyourself #investinginyourself #investyourself #investonyourself #investment #youcandoit #believeinyourself #youngmoney #youvsyou #goodforyoursoul

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