Stop Making It Hard

2 years ago


I romanticized the struggle, the hardship, I thought it made me unique. Little did I know, it was the very thing that was holding me back from real actual change for years.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to perform, imagining the day where you finally get your act together and you knock everything out of the park and everybody clapped lol.

But thinking like this leads to constant self attack, reinforcing the belief that you're not good enough to win, let alone do the simplest task. The external will always match the internal, causing a fucked up feedback loop where you're too afraid to even legitimately try and you're suffering every day for it needlessly.

Living a life of fulfillment isn't getting the things you want or imagined. Its the process of waking up every day, and knowing that you're actually progressing.

Nothing can replace the feeling of "wow I'm actually doing it"

#hard #tryhard #hardlyworking #hardpart #hardtime #easymoney #easylife #easylife #lifeiseasy #lifemadeeasy #makingmoves #stopmakingexcuses

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