Unmasked, by Ian Miller - book review (originally uploaded 2/8/2022)

1 year ago

This is a book review of Unmasked: The Global Failure of Mask Mandates, by Ian Miller.

This video was originally published to this channel on February 8, 2022, with my expectation that it would be banned by YouTube and archived onto my Rumble site.

Indeed, YouTube did delete this video for my expression of unapproved opinions, slapped a strike on my channel, then sent me an email which threatened to terminate my channel if I continued to express unapproved opinions. Since 'Science' now apparently means banning oppositional opinions and unquestioned obedience to government health authorities, I dutifully obeyed and kept my trap shut. But now that these strikes have expired, and the man who claimed for himself the very personification of Science has announced his retirement, and now that YouTube has removed all mention of masks from its User Policy, I thought I would tempt the video hosting tech dweebs there in Silicon Valley and try publishing this book review again.

Unmasked by Ian Miller. Read it. Buy a copy for a friend. Send a copy to anybody who thinks the political slogan of Following THE SCIENCE ⟨™⟩ is how one engages in the principles of scientific inquiry.

Thank you for watching, and let's see if this video stays up.

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