World Gone Crazy Pt2/Prophecy Fulfilled

2 years ago

This video is part 2, I am sharing Dutch Sheets video which has an urgent request regarding children and parents rights. Please take time to watch this video or share the link below and share. action must be taken before September 12, 2022. It is about Title IX.

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Julie Green Starting at 3:38-8:49m. Hollywood, I am coming for you, and everything you stand for. You bowed your knee to the Illuminati. Well, you will see how well that worked out for you. They control you, they blackmail you, they destroy anyone who wouldn't bow to their every command. Every actor, director, producer, every single person that bowed your knee to this demonic system, I will expose ALL of you. Video and audio recordings will blow up everywhere at one time showing without a shadow of a doubt who all was a part of this disgusting ritual of children, trafficking, Epstein. There was not just an island. That sick industry is still going on today in many locations all over the world.
Hollywood, you are the biggest fundraiser to that lifestyle. But you are second to the government of the USA. The film industry will be shaken up to its core, never to regain, and sustain, that filthy lifestyle. Hollywood, you acted like gods to control the narrative. You used movies and TV shows to warp the minds of people, and numb them to what your plans were for them. What you were doing behind closed doors is what you are portraying on the big screen. You made yourself idols, as well as your disgusting awards shows. Those have become cultic, Satanic rituals for the whole world to see 1:29

Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will settle the cases and causes of My people. The world will once again see Judgments and Vengeance even greater than what I did in Egypt regarding My people. I, the Lord, have had enough of their destruction, their plans and their continued efforts to annihilate My existence on this earth. Enough of their lies about Me, their man-made doctrines, their religion, their constant distractions and deceptions to the world with their news, their movies, their TV shows and everything else they used to lead My people astray. Enough of the hold they have had over My people who are in utter despair and hopelessness thinking all is lost, and enough of this suicidal spirit that has gripped so many in My body.
I am moving to heal, to restore and to make My children whole. I never left you. I have heard your cries. I am coming to judge and settle the damages caused by your enemies, so don't lose hope in Me just yet. I will move, and you will see I never left thee. My plans for you are far greater than the adversary’s plans against you to destroy you. Don't stay in the wilderness when I have the Promised Land for you to enjoy.
Don't pay any more attention to their news, their mandates or their supposed laws. No, saith the Lord. They don't have that kind of power, and I am about to show the world this. I am pulling back the curtains which they hid themselves behind along with their fake White House props, sets and their fake leaders. Yes, all has been a puppet show and not a very good one at that. Yes, the strings have been cut from the puppet masters as they flee the scene to save anything they have left. They know their ship is sinking, so they are letting their puppets take their fall. Little do they know who they are dealing with, and they will all fall for their plans.
Kent Christmas (It has been removed from youtube) Summary: God will move mightily in the schools, and bring about great revival in the classrooms. Professors, who have stood in classrooms, mocked or denied God, will begin to die. Prayer will also return to schools. (starts at around 38mins)
David wilkerson PP 23 &24
Moral standards among many church people will be shattered. Husband - and wife-swapping will be on the increase, and great numbers of young people will simply live together without getting married. A constant barrage of sex and nudity by all the media will vex the minds and souls of the most devout children of Christ. It will cause the love of many to grow cold. It will lead to carelessness and faithlessness. It will be the major cause of a great 'falling away.' Those who stand against this flood of filth will be few, and they will be looked upon as 'out of step' with an enlightened society and a more relevant church, Easy abortion, the pill, and a growing sexual permissiveness will contribute to a revolution of immorality

Men will prefer false doctrines and new ideas rather than the truth of God's Holy Word. They will crowd around teachers who will give 'new thoughts and revelations'. Men and women will turn to the prophecies and teachings of men rather than giving heed to the doctrines of truth. They will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils dutch sheets

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