“Attacked” by the RCMP.

1 year ago

Campaign Story
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Our Story:

We own a small gas station / convenience shop located in Lindbrook, Alberta, Canada operating as a family business since 2003. As a family we came under fire at the beginning of January 2021 after some people reported us for not enforcing unlawful mandates. This brought down upon us Federated Co-Op (we were a Tempo) and others, Alberta Health Services, Occupational Health & Safety, as well as the Tofield RCMP and one particular agent Sergeant Lee Knelsen, who took it upon himself to harass us to do multiple "inspections" on a continual basis throughout nearly every week of the first half of 2021. On June 9, 2021 the RCMP Crime Reduction Unit (a unit that is utilized to take-down hardened criminals) was brought forth to take us down. They used brute force (in their unmarked vehicles) to harass us by ramming our truck into a garage, destroying our work truck and drawing their firearms on us, then forcibly putting us in handcuffs. Shortly after this, they then covertly entered our shop and took down another member of our family; hauling us all to jail. We got out on "bail conditions" 30 hours later. They charged us as criminals for upholding the rights of the people.

Our food permit got revoked the afternoon of June 25th to August 4th in the afternoon (40 days and 40 nights) which caused great hardship for us as we were forced to stop selling all food related products and were only able to sell anything heavily taxed by the government (gas, liquor, cigarettes). During this busy time of the year we use this income to endure the less busier winter months. AHS was accompanied by the Tofield RCMP Sergeant Lee Knelsen to place this order on our shop doors while we were away. The Tofield RCMP Sergeant Lee Knelsen was there at all times, harassing us almost every week because we would not bow down to his bullying. It appears he had taken this personally and decided to take a violent route of action (see video). We now find ourselves in a position of requesting help from the people to stand-up against this kind of tyrannical behavior.

This cause matters because we took a stand against tyranny. We have always respected the people and their freedom of choice. In doing so we paid the price of being attacked through police brutality. This is a call to true patriots who know that things have gone wrong in their government and elected officials.


Your donation will go towards litigation in defending all of our rights and freedoms against dictates and mandates by AHS, OHS, and the RCMP. We have been caused severe harm and damage and your donations are greatly appreciated as we are unable to do this without you.

Thank you and God bless.

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