Indoor pollution

2 years ago

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It is not uncommon for people to think that the air outside is filled with pollutants. However, it is what they are breathing inside their homes that poses the most danger to their health.
If you live in an area where the pollution levels are high, there are chances that you have toxins in your house. And these can contribute to asthma, heart disease and even cancer. Even if you live in a clean environment, there are still toxins within your home - which come from things like cleaning products and paint fumes. They can be found on surfaces that people touch every day - like windows, floors, walls and curtains. And they can also be found on clothing or any fabrics which have been stored or worn without being washed properly after being used.
The indoor air pollution is present in the home environment and is caused by dust, products that we use and take care of our health, cooking and heating equipment.
The role of pollution in the home environment is to be aware of different types of pollutants and try to remove or reduce them.
There are various sources of indoor air pollution, such as formaldehyde, radon, and volatile organic compounds. The individual's home environment can be polluted by these substances emitted from sources such as building materials, household products and furnishings, office equipment and supplies.
These pollutants may cause respiratory problems such as asthma and other allergies. They may also affect the nervous system.
Pollution in homes can come from many sources, including environmental contamination, building materials, household cleaning products and even cooking with certain oils.
In order to make a home environment healthier for its inhabitants, it is important to take precautions against pollutants from all sources. In this way, our health will be protected from the harmful effects of pollution in homes.
It's important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.


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