Food is For Life, NOT Death, A Series: Episode #2 ~ We are being Poisoned to Death

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Food is For Life, NOT Death, A Series: Episode #2 ~ We are being Poisoned to Death

We will be LIVE today with a New Show Series entitled, Food is For Life, Not Death, and this series will feature Colleen and I along with Eugene, and potentially even Justin Carpenter, Aaron X Jesse and Toni Weel...

2:30pm PST, 4:30pm CST, 5:30pm EST, 10:30pm UK Time, 11:30pm SAST, 7:30am Sydney Australia, 9:30am Wellington NZ

Today is Episode #2, and is entitled, We are being Poisoned to Death...and on the show today will continue this incredible journey to Discover the Truth about Food, by focusing upon the Painful, but UNDENIABLE Truth, that we are being Poisoned to Death by Organized Society...that Processed Foods, along with Meat, Dairy and Eggs are literally KILLING us off Early in Life, because we are eating virtually nothing but Fake Foods, which are Death to our Divine Systems...

The harsh reality is that MOST Everyone on this Earth are Dying, NOT FROM OLD AGE, but rather, by being Poisoned to Death, and that, what we are attributing to the Signs of 'Naturally' growing Old and Dying at 60+ years, is actually all the SYMPTOMS from being Poisoned to Death, over a Long Period of time...thus, the Hair Thinning and Falling Out, Hair turning Grey, Bones literally wasting away causing Bodies to Bend Over and Shrink, Dry Skin, Teeth Falling Out, Gums Bleeding, Open Sores on the Skin, Liver Spots on the Skin, Organ and Brain Malfunction, Severe Cramping and Body Pains, Headaches, and even Urinary and Bowel disfunction...

We Blindly accept these things are the Natural outcome of Growing Old, because this is all that we have witnessed in our Lifetimes...but it wasn't always this way...once, and NOT that long ago, we lived a lot longer Life spans, but History books have been altered, narratives have changed, our Life Paths have been DISTORTED by a Tiny Consortium of Evil beings, that require us in a Constant state of DIS-ease and Pain, rather than Strength, so that we, as the 99.9999% are never cap-abel of Rising Up against our Oppressors and Chasing our Reality for the Betterment of All Life...

And thus, at the end of the day, it is about RISING, and Not Falling...and to achieve this Rising Within ourselves, we MUST become what God Created us to be, which are Long-Living Frugivores, and Not Swift-Dying Carnivores, causing us to Fall both Physically and Morally, and here in these Hunched, Fallen-over Forms, we find ourselves disconnected from the Truth, and thus, to both ourselves and to God; however, MOST are NOT prepared to Change ANYTHING that they are currently doing, simply hoping that by doing the same things, their Lives will get better...and yet they won't, they will Only get Worse...

It is time to WAKE UP to the Here and Now in Divine Consciousness... ALL Protein is made by Plants, ALL Physical Life upon this Earth comes thru the SON in the Sky; thus, Plants are our Divine Living Foods, while the Murder of Animals is completely Satanic as Animal Flesh and Products provide us with NOTHING that we actually Need, while causing Endless Pain and Suffering, which leads to our early Deaths...

But, NO is time to Choose, but when you Choose from now on, CHOOSE WISELY...

So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

Or to the Givesendgo Page that Justin Carpenter set up to help our Rescued Animals,

Check out our new website and Sign Up! This is a space where we can be free to express and connect, far away from censorship of the overbearing Big Tech corporations...

To help support the website development which has been a significant cost, please consider checking out our store!

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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