Being Born Again - Part 3: Jesus's Plan for Reconciliation

2 years ago

#beingbornagain #jesussplan #jesussplanforreconciliation #bornagain #planforreconciliation #foundationoffaith

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: Being Born Again - Part 3: Jesus's Plan for Reconciliation

As we continue through the most important doctrine of the Bible, we are diving into the topic of "being born again". We have already covered what God is to understand what it means to be created in his image. Man's fall caused his image to be changed. The change was spiritual death. The only way to be reconciled with God is by being reborn spiritually. As we wrap up this series we will be discussing why men need to be born again, how we are born again and what happens when we are born again. In this video we cover Jesus's plan to reconcile "all things" in heaven and in earth unto himself (there is a distinction/division between heaven and earth). We will discuss the difference between the words "faith" and "belief", and demonstrate from the bible that faith is a word.

We are saved by Jesus's faith, not our faith in jesus. Jesus did all the work to make a way for salvation. Jesus's way is the only way.

Through Jesus's faith all who believe are reconciled to Jesus the moment they believe. Those believers are now in Jesus body, and will be his agents he uses to reconcile all things in heaven. The jews are Jesus's agent to reconcile all things in earth unto him.

#OSAS #OnceSavedAlwaysSaved

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