Burke Financial - Jacob Snitman Testimonial | ExecutiveStride.com - Josh Pocock

1 year ago

Burke Financial - Jacob Snitman Testimonial | ExecutiveStride.com - Josh Pocock

10+ Qualified Sales Calls Weekly For Last 6mo 💰

Start: December 23, 2020
Before: Struggling Calendar
After: ‍10+ Demos Each Week For 2 Different Businesses
Timeline: 6 Months
Niche: Mortgage Broker

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Jacob Snitman, real estate and mortgage broker, was struggling to generate new business in a very competitive marketplace. Booking just 2 qualified appointments every week was proving to be a huge challenge. Jacob had already tried working with virtual assistants and remote call teams to scale his business - but with little success.

Find the full video here 👉 https://executivestride.com/case-study-jacob-snitman

The impact for Burke Financial and ABC Marketing was game-changing. The company went from averaging just 2 booked appointments each week to consistently scheduling 10 high-quality weekly calls.

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Jacob joined the STRIDE program in Q4 of 2020 with lead generation and client acquisition as primary growth opportunities for both businesses. And Jacob says that by automating lead generation tasks, he was also able to better service clients and focus on other crucial parts of the business, previously overlooked in the scramble to get Leads. Executive Stride provided all the tools needed to scale his business, including the S.T.R.I.D.E. Accelerator Training and the Client Acquisition Code; Jacob says these tools were critical components in helping him to scale his business.

Click here to Get A Price and Accelerate Your Stride today 👉 https://executivestride.com/quiz

“For anyone who’s worked in either of my industries I'm sure you’re very familiar with how stressful things can be, how competitive the market is and quite frankly how hard it is to generate some new business for yourself. So that being said, I'd like to give a huge out to Josh and his team for being able to do exactly that. I originally employed their team actually back in the quarter for 2020 to scale both of my businesses and since the first week campaigns after we’ve onboarded they have consistently been able to achieve at least 10 booked appointments on my calendar for each of my businesses, every single week for the last six months.

Now, not only has this completely scaled my revenue, but it’s also a) helped me better service my clients by giving them more time to focus on their individual needs, and b) focused on other parts of my business knowing that my lead generation is being completely taken care of and in good hands. Two other really cool things I wanted to point out is they give you access to these amazing tools, one is the Client Acquisition Code and the other is the S.T.R.I.D.E Accelerated Training. And both of these were absolutely, what I would define as critical components in helping me scale my business.

If you’re looking to crush your business goals this year I would really really recommend getting in contact with Josh and seeing how he and his team can help you as well."
- Jacob Snitman, Mortgage Broker at Burke Financial & Founder of ABC Marketing Solutions

Find the full video here 👉 https://executivestride.com/case-study-jacob-snitman

Click here to Get A Price and Accelerate Your Stride today 👉 https://executivestride.com/quiz

Here is a free training video explaining how you can leverage our 6-Step S.T.R.I.D.E System: https://executivestride.com/opt-in

PS – Check out our free Facebook community of entrepreneurs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExecutiveStride/

Josh Pocock
Founder & CEO of ExecutiveStride.com
I specialize in helping Coaches, Consultants, Marketing Agencies, Saas companies, and services based business scale to $100k/month in 12 months or less without any cold calling, doing manual outreach, or spending a crazy amount on paid ads (seriously).


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