Part 4 Anti-feminist who was thrown out of Internet & hunted by pedophile cannibal Satanist witches

1 year ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (August 2022).

Part 4 video – “Women sold short” by ChristyOMisty (one of the many anti-feminist Christian girls who were threatened and kicked off the Internet and gang-stalked and hunted down and possibly cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms every day by the millions of earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers reptilian hybrid “gay mafia elite” Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality “abortion child sacrifice ritual” “abortion child human meat food” “fetus sex spirit cooking ritual” “Planned Parenthood industry” mother goddess cult New Age Wicca witch pedophile cannibal Satanist “Hansel & Gretel witches” feminists)

Christy in part 4 of her video talks about how feminism is not for women, because the Illuminati NWO reptilian hybrid pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis chimera” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers 5,000 year old mother goddess cult Noah’s days Atlantis priestess feminists are torturing & lesbian raping (pegging rupturing killing) & sacrificing & eating 6 million children and 66 million aborted fetuses sold. These Jezebel reptilian demon spirit filled witch feminists have no love or concern for the cockroach-level human homo-sapiens specie women or humanoid women. Their feminist agenda is made for the extermination of human children and depopulation, and corrupting society and destroying family units, and removing strong defensive men by cooking them alive every day with CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms & hotel rooms. They have infiltrated millions and millions of witches and Satanist pastors into the churches to redefine Bible verses and rebel against women’s head coverings, and cross-dress in “Satan Lucifer’s cross-dress project” men’s trousers, in order to remove all of God’s spiritual protection from the Western feminist nations to get abortion legalized to use its black magick energy to open up all the star gate wormhole portals to release millions of “COVID19 fake Coronavirus biochemical weapon human extermination vaccine” and “nuclear war” fallen angel devils from the abyss where God had imprisoned them. Now, it is too late, and God will judge the Western feminist nations and the “women’s head coverings rebelling” religious Christian hordes with sword & famine & plague & demon armies. If you restore the original Bible verses who is Christ the Word of God, then the millions of Jezebel-demon-possessed women in Satan Lucifer’s Western feminist nations’ churches will kick you out, and hire a pastor that is filled by the Jezebel spirit, in order to lead them all into the Tribulation Age to have their head cut off by the AntiChrist to feed the Antarctic Nazi Black Shield base manufactured vampire army, and their women’s uncovered heads shaved, and their cross-dress men’s trousers ripped off to be raped, and their children sold to their Jezebel goddess to be tortured & lesbian raped & sacrificed & eaten and their leftover human meat and bone ashes thrown into the humans’ supermarket food and restaurant food, just like the current 12 million children that go missing every year of which 800,000 are American children abducted by Hillary Clinton’s CPS (Child Protective Services) on false charges.

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