Showdown with Western University. Special Report

1 year ago

Today we will discuss what is happening at The University of Western. They just invoked mask and javs for all students. Why? We will uncover some of the potential reasons why. Doctors are dying at an alarming rate. Why? Tune in today to find out.

See you at noon!

Song credits:

May 11, 2022
The Music Bed, LLC ("MB") approves the use of "Rage" (Composition(s) and Master(s)) for Janet Morningstar "The Fisher Files-
Intro" (the "Production") pursuant to your request date May 11, 2022 as follows:
Composition/Master: Rage
Artist(s): Johnny Stimson
Duration: 2:55
Licenses: Individual / YouTube Creator / No Client Work / Up to 250K subscribers /
Territory: Worldwide
Production: The Fisher Files-Intro
Description: YouTube Broadcast/Rumble Broadcast

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