2 years ago

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Pain can be defined in multiple way. It can be described as a discomfort, nuisance and uncomfortable feelings in the body which keeps telling you that there is something wrong in the body.

It is a very common condition these days.

It can be of any nature such as throbbing pain, pinching pain, stabbing pain, aching pain.

Women are more likely to suffer chronic pain.

Some research studies have shown that aging is also directly linked with the pain.

Pain is of two varieties depending on the onset and duration of symptoms.

Acute pain is usually very short lived, it is due to any minor major injury, insult or some underlying disease conditions.

Symptoms of acute pain are usually intense but are short lived.

Second type is chronic pain. Symptoms of such pain persists over a long period of time.

Generally speaking if pain lasts for more than three months then it is called chronic pain.

Most of the time pain is localized one. It means wherever in the body it starts, it is limited to that part or region of the human body. But in some other disease conditions pain is widespread.

Arthritis, cancer, spine related injuries and trauma are common conditions which give rise to pain.

If you have pain, it doesn't mean that you are not well.

Pain is basically a part of the human body's protective mechanism. It tells us that somewhere in the body things and activities are not normal.

Nerves relay pain to the brain for appropriate reaction to that part of the body.

Pain is usually perceived through pain receptors in the body.

Pain can be anytime, anywhere in any part of the body because of various reasons.

Headache and migraine are the most common types of pain in the head of the human body.

Similarly pain in the abdomen is also very common, it is usually due to indigestion, constipation, gastritis, and food poisoning related complications.

Lower back pain is in elderly and in women due to vertebral column related problems and iron deficiency anaemia.

Localized pain in any limb can also be reported due to road traffic accidents, and falls are home.

Pain management is a very vast topic and definitely it can't be covered here in this short script.

Your doctor may manage pain without prescribing medicine or by suggesting you some medicine.

By doing massage, yoga, physiotherapy, heat and cold compression are some of the keys to non medical approaches to pain management.

Traditional Chinese methods such as acupuncture also help in relieving chronic pain.

Doctors use different groups of pharmacological medicines to treat pain in their patients. It depends on the type of pain, its duration, intensity and other related symptoms.

Paracetamol is mostly prescribed to the patient as first line medicine of choice. Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and opioids and local anaesthetics are commonly used medicine to control pain.

We would like to hear about your own experience with this topic. Leave a comment. Lastly, remember that it is important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.


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