BE AWARE of these symptoms of lack of Vitamin B | PROTECT YOURSELF

1 year ago

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Symptoms of lack of Vitamin B
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Vitamin B is also called the Vitamin B complex. These are a total of eight vitamins each having different functions and roles to play in the body. Similarly, deficiency of each such vitamin leaves harmful effects on the human body. Generally, vitamin b provides energy and keeps the cell health intact. Therefore deficiency of these causes muscle weakness, low energy, and metabolic disturbance in the body. Pregnant women and older adults are at higher risk of developing vitamin B deficiencies. Symptoms vary from mild to severe depending on the type of vitamin B deficiency. Anaemia, skin rashes, confusion, and fatigue are some general symptoms of vitamin B deficiency. Certain diseases such as HIV, Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, e, and excessive alcoholism potentiate vitamin B deficiency in the body. Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins in this group. It is required for neural health. Vitamin B12 deficiency is linked with megaloblastic anaemia, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, recurrent constipation, and weight loss. B12 deficiency in the brain is manifested by the tingling sensation, poor memory, ulceration of the mouth, and issues with balancing the body. Vitamin B6 is the second most important vitamin in the vitamin B complex class of vitamins. Its other name is pyridoxine. It is required for boosting the immune system of the body. Pregnant and lactating women need more than another group of people. Pyridoxine helps in the formation of antibodies in the blood. Scratches on the general body surfaces, and rash are prominent symptoms of vitamin B 6 deficiency in the body. Depression, confusion, anaemia, and susceptibility to the infection is the leading cause of vitamin B6 deficiency in the body. B1 also known as thiamine deficiency is manifested in the body by the presence of cracks around the und angle of the mouth. Riboflavin is the name of Vitamin B2. Its deficiency causes fatty liver disease.

Niacin is another important vitamin in this class. It is known as Vitamin B3. It plays an important role in converting foods into rich energy reserves in the body. Symptoms of niacin deficiency are a hallucination, suicidal thoughts, constipation, and a bright red tongue. Niacin deficiency turns the color of skin into red or dark brown. One of the most important vitamins is Vitamin B9 or folate. It is required in pregnancy or blood cancers. The most common symptom of vitamin B9 is holoblastic anaemia. In heart it causes palpitations and irregular rhythms. It affects the lungs by damaging the lungs' parenchyma. It damages brain cells, so there is trouble in concentration and irritability. Mouth ulcers are also due to min B9 deficiency. Vitamin B complex is a very important vitamin required for optimal growth of our body. Its deficiencies are manifested by a vast range of symptoms. Deficiencies can be augmented by vitamin B supplements, fruits, and vegetables.

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