Discover PREbiotics and their benefits | if you do this, it will have a HUGE impact in your life

1 year ago

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Prebiotics and their benefits
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We have heard the term prebiotic many times, but do you really know what it is and what its function is in our body? We can tell you that prebiotic foods are very beneficial for the body.

A large number of living microbes called probiotics are in the intestines. They are responsible for absorbing nutrients, strengthening our immune system, facilitating digestion, and they even influence our mental health!

But these microbes, in order to function properly and to be able to do all that great work, need to be nourished by certain foods, the so-called prebiotic foods.

Prebiotic foods contain ingredients that are not digested and therefore support the growth and activity of bacteria in the colon. For a food to be considered prebiotic, it must be of plant origin and meet certain complex chemical requirements.

Science advises us to consume this type of food in order to have a good intestinal flora and help with problems of heartburn, digestion, and gastritis, as well as improve general well-being. They also reduce gas, combat constipation and intestinal inflammation.

Studies have suggested that digestive health has a strong influence on sleep quality. A study conducted in Sweden to determine whether prebiotics can improve sleep quality, found that prebiotics can have a positive impact on deep and shallow sleep.

Because prebiotics are dietary fibers, they have enormous benefits for the cardiovascular system. A diet rich in fiber lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart problems, as well as being effective for weight control. Prebiotics can reduce inflammation and support healthy bone structure.

They are found in many common foods. Fiber-rich foods are the best source of prebiotics, like fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, garlic, and onions.

In general, adults need between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day. However, the average adult consumes only half that amount. By including more of these foods in the diet, the patient's health can improve significantly.

We would like to hear about your own experience with this topic. Leave a comment. Lastly, remember that it is important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatment. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.


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