Prediabetic symptoms

1 year ago

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Prediabetic symptoms
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Prediabetes is a condition of the human body before the full development of diabetes mellitus. In prediabetes blood, sugar level is greater than the normal. But it is less than the threshold to be called a confirmed case of Diabetes. Mostly prediabetic state leads to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Younger adults and children are at risk of getting into chronic conditions of diabetes if they fail to notice symptoms of being prediabetic. In prediabetic states, our body starts developing initial symptoms of diabetes. So it is very necessary at this stage to diagnose prediabetic symptoms and stop their progression. Prediabetic states can be slowed or even stopped or reversed by modifying diets, lifestyle changes, and exercise. Maintaining weight and body mass index at an optimal level can make the symptoms at the prediabetic stage vanish away. Diet and lifestyle modification bring blood sugar levels to normal. In a prediabetic state, symptoms are usually less visible and difficult to detect. This is because a person's metabolic state is being shifted to the diabetic pattern. One of the most prominent symptoms is the darkening of the skin on the neck, armpits, and groin. Symptoms such as fatigue, increased thirst, blurred vision, tingling sensation in the feet, and frequent urination show that a person is now moving from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes. This is the stage where you should contact your health care provider or family physician. At this level doctors usually take a detailed history, do and a physical examination, and screen people for their blood sugar levels. In prediabetic states, fasting blood sugar is usually 120-140 milligrams per deciliter. And the body mass index is around 25. There is a definitive screening test for prediabetic people. This is called HbA1c. This test tells the estimated average blood sugar level of a person in the last 3-4 months and total glycemic control. 5-6 milligrams per deciliter is the prediabetic state. Whereas HbA1c greater than 6 or 6.5 shows a type 2 diabetic state in the body. Weight gain due to fat-containing foods, sedentary lifestyle, genetics, and age are the risk factors for shifting from a prediabetic state to type 2 diabetes. Cessation of smoking, getting rid of extra fat content, and doing mandatory daily exercises can help people who are at risk of developing a prediabetic state in their bodies.
We would like to hear about your own experience with this topic. Leave a comment. Lastly, remember that it is important to talk to a professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.


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