We save humanity by standing the f@$k up

2 years ago

8-26-2022 - 🆕 Media is beginning to point fingers. Now that the truth is coming out, let's play the blame game. How many just took their word for it? Took their doctors word for it? Their schools demands? The threat of no travel? Who is to blame for not doing the work? Ourselves. That is every part of life.


I dont care what anyone says, we have given our power away for hundreds if not thousands of years to figures outside of ourselves. We do not save humanity by giving in, we save humanity by standing the fuck up.

Harsh realities are happening every day. Unfortunate ones too. Now is our time to take ownership of our thoughts, our rights, our beliefs, and our decisions.

We have a ways to go. It can be easier, or it can be harder. We decide that.

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