NIGHT SHADOWS 08262022 -- Wanna Take A Ride? More on Missing Star, the Moon Moving. UFO

2 years ago

Where did August go? Are we in a time compression? War drums are beating louder, at the same time it appears that nothing is going on - then we have floods and drought, cold and hot, sun anomalies, possible missing stars, cosmos restlessness, moon rising where it should not, moon moving. More odd sightings of "creatures", bigfoot, little folks, as the Destroyer approaches. Then we have the middle class vanishing as the Elite move to their New World Order. Folks cannot pay their bills; evictions are increasing and this will become an emergency as winter arrives. More warnings of grid shutdowns. Then we hear of a "new wave" of some virus or other and so new talk of masking and more shutdowns. Censorship and shadow banning abound as TRUTH cannot be allowed in the New World Order, only lies, lies and more lies, and so it goes in this evil Matrix...

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