Stem Cell capsules and pills | Do they actually do something?

1 year ago

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Stem Cell capsules and pills | Do they actually do something?
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What’s the origin of something so futuristic as stem cell capsules? Do they actually do something? The short answer is: yes, they do.

The beginning of stem cell therapy consisted of the experience of a moribund patient of Professor De Quervain’s, whose thyroid was removed and the parathyroid gland was also eliminated, thus producing refractory tetanus. It was then when Doctor Paul Niehans, faced with the emergency of performing a transplant, and without having the required time, macerated the parathyroid gland of an ox, mixed it with saline solution, and injected that into the patient, who quickly went from a critical condition to a remarkable improvement. After this experience, the patient lived 30 years more, thanks to this improvised solution.

After 40 years of research, Doctor Niehans applied his findings more than 50,000 times. Among Doctor Niehans' patients are famous people, such as Charles Chaplin, Winston Churchill, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and many others, and even in 1953 he was called to the bedside of Pope Pius XII and was appointed a member of the Papal Academy of Sciences.

In subsequent years, remarkable improvements were observed in the slowing down of the aging process, recovering beauty, vitality, fullness, and physical power.

The method employed for some of these stem cell capsules produces sheep cells that remain biologically active (an approved technique for the gentle biological preservation of these substances, according to George Crotts), without damaging the effectiveness of the valuable biologically active technique.

Compared to other nutritional products, stem cell is a hormone and protein-free product that will NOT deliver artificial hormones to your body which could affect your hormone production. Since the stem cell is a free protein, the risk of allergies is highly minimized so that the chance of it being recognized as foreign by the body and being attacked by your immune system is negligible.

The active substances in stem cells are extracted by high-tech biological processes. These extracts also called homologous elements, enter your body to contribute greatly to revitalization through activation and regeneration of old damaged cells.

A study published in the journal Biomaterials Science, which was partly funded by NHLBI, claims that “Stem cells in a capsule has the potential to repair the heart after a heart attack”.

Nonetheless, studies and research to support the effectiveness of these pills are still lacking. Therefore, for now it is probably best to review the list of stem cell treatments approved by the FDA.



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