Are you okay with ES&S helping you "cast" your vote? (The Unicameral is.)

2 years ago

Did you know that even as Nebraskans have been appealing to our Unicameral to **remove** the services of ES&S from our elections, our legislators have instead doubled down and taken actions that more permanently solidify the role that machines play in our elections? The recent omnibus election law bill that was passed by our Unicameral now includes SOFTWARE as part of the "creation, casting, and counting" of ballots. ("Casting??")

We knew the software was used. That isn't new. But we have expressed to our legislators that **we don't trust the software.** What a blatant disregard of voters for our legislators to ignore calls to eliminate ES&S services. Instead, they have embraced them!

It is a slap in the face to Nebraska voters who have concerns about election integrity. Why the hell isn't there a single one of them speaking out against this? And how is this not in violation of our state statute prohibiting electronic voting systems? When the use of software can touch the creating, casting, and counting of ballots--well, what else is there? That is inclusive of EVERY PART of our elections. And it makes them vulnerable. So why the hell would a legislative body that knows that Nebraskans don't trust the machines allow for the definition of "voting system" in our state to be changed to legitimize their use?

That is a question that I have emailed my senator (Slama) about. I've also emailed Ricketts' Chief of Staff Matt Miltenberger, Secretary of State Bob Evnen, and AG Peterson and have requested a response from each of them. I doubt I'll get one, but anyone who has concerns about the integrity of our elections should also be raising hell about this blatant disregard for the concerns expressed by Nebraskans regarding the security of our elections.

Copies of the letters that I have sent to elected officials can be viewed here:

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