Medvedev listed four reasons for the use of nuclear weapons by Russia

1 year ago

1a.Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev named four grounds on which Russia can use nuclear weapons for self-defense. In an interview with the French TV channel LCI, he noted that one of them, in particular, are actions that threaten the existence of the state, but so far they have not been observed.

For the interest and for the French public, I will list them:
1. Launch of nuclear missiles.
2. The use of nuclear weapons.
3. Attacking the critical infrastructure that controls nuclear weapons.
At the same time, he stressed that, unlike Russia, NATO countries are actively using weapons with depleted uranium: "Both in Yugoslavia, and in Iraq, and around this there is its own intrigue, and its consequences, very sad."
1b. Медведев перечислил четыре основания для применения Россией ядерного оружия

Зампредседателя Совбеза России Дмитрий Медведев назвал четыре основания, на которых Россия может для самообороны применить ядерное оружие. В интервью французскому телеканалу LCI он отметил, что одним из них, в частности, являются грозящие существованию государства действия, но пока их не наблюдается.

Медведев перечислил четыре основания, на которых Россия может для самообороны применить ядерное оружие:

«Старт ядерных ракет [противника], применение [им] ядерного оружия, нанесение удара по критической инфраструктуре, которая управляет ядерным оружием, или иные действия, которые грозят существованию самого государства [РФ]».

Зампред Совбеза России отметил в интервью французскому телеканалу LCI, что пока таких действий не наблюдается.

В то же время он подчеркнул, что, в отличие от России, страны НАТО активно применяют оружие с обеднённым ураном: «И в Югославии, и в Ираке, и вокруг этого существует и своя интрига, и свои последствия, весьма печальные».
2. Russia’s vital interests are already at threat, that is why the special military operation is conducted, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

"They are already at threat. Russia’s vital interests are already endangered. That is why the special military operation is conducted to defend Donbass, to demilitarize the Ukrainian armed forces and to denazify that country," he said in an interview with France’s LCI television channel.

According to Medvedev, Russia would have never launched this operation if there were no threat to its interests."

"Until a certain time, it was possible to do without this operation. And we held talks with the Ukrainians, at least we tried to hold some talks, and with the Europeans, and with the United States of America. But these talks ended in nothing. No one heard us," he said, adding that Ukraine relied only on the West’s help. "Whereas the Americans and the European said they could not guarantee Ukraine’s non-participation in NATO in the future, citing their policy of open doors as a reason," he noted.
3. Medvedev says US corporations make money on Ukrainian conflict
4. Prospects for top-level Russia-Ukraine talks depend on development of situation — Medvedev
5. The Kiev regime’s actions lead to numerous casualties among civilians, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

"As for casualties among civilians, regrettably, every war entails casualties. But, to a larger extent, they stem from the awful criminal policy, which is conducted by Ukraine’s leaders and the Ukrainian armed forces," he said in an interview with France’s LCI television channel.

He stressed that Ukrainian troops "are using their citizens as a human shield, deploying HIMARS multiple rocket launch systems right on the territories of schools and kindergartens." "It means that they are responsible for the deaths of people when they deploy weapons on their territory," he noted.

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