UD EP21: A Wake Up Call and Not Giving Up

1 year ago

Scott Stone grew up in Colorado Springs with his mother, father, and two siblings. Scott met his wife Aleyana in 2011. They were married in 2014 and now have two beautiful children together.

Tragically on February 5th, 2018, while working in the Sheriff's office, with the Southern Colorado Auto Theft Task Force, Scott and three other officers were shot during the arrest of a suspect. One of Scott’s partners, Micah Flick, died protecting Scott and his teammates. Scott received a near fatal wound during this incident. During this incident, Scott prayed to the Lord and told him, “God if you allow me to stay here with my family, I will do what you want me to do. I am yours Lord.” Scott survived by the Grace of God. He had a long road to recovery and still struggles physically with injuries received from this incident.

In the Fall of 2018, Scott began to feel God directing him to serve in the body at Spring’s Lighthouse. Scott began to serve in the security ministry. From there, he helped in any way that he was able to. Scott continuously prayed and thanked God for the opportunities that He had given him. Scott opened his heart to the will of the Lord and allowed the Lord to direct him.

After much prayer and discussion with Aleyana, Brian, and Jeanine, along with encouragement from members of the church, Scott felt a call to ministry in leadership within the church. Scott now studies as the Assistant Pastor for Springs Lighthouse. Scott works behind the scenes helping to ensure that the church is running smoothly and jumps in anytime the need arises.

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