Podcast N°26 - Rambling N°20

2 years ago


This Podcast (again) is about TARGET INDIVIDUALS. It concerns the innocent people worldwide that are being targeted by frequency weapons that have been developed by the worlds military’s and other hidden agencies.

The two main methods of targeting consist of something called: V2K - which is Voice to Skull technology – otherwise known as SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY.

And something else called: RNM - which is Remote Neural Monitoring, and is far more evil than V2K, and is the attempt to take over the targets central nervous system by “hacking” into it, just like a computer hacker would “hack” into someone else’s computer.

The goal of RNM is to up-link an individual’s central nervous system and brain to their advanced computers so that the hacker or operator can see through the targets eyes, hear through their ears, know what they are thinking (AND) they can place new thoughts, and new ideas or instructions into the Targets Mind.

RNM also provides a way for the computer operator to PUNISH the target for any noncompliance through a whole host of methods of interference with their own body and its daily functions. It can be anything from extreme upset stomachs and nausea to migraine headaches which will not go away, to extreme sexual desires, to extreme depression and tiredness or many other kinds of immediate and long-lasting pain or discomfort.

This type of technology has reduced human beings down to the level of animals that can be controlled on a “leash” by their owners, or in this case - the Computer Operators.

I’m very sad to say that there are 10’s of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people living on this Earth who are willingly working with this technology and are using it against others for a PAYCHECK.

They come from every walk of life, and can be:

Military/Former Military

Cops/Former Cops

Sheriffs/Former Sheriffs

Private Contractors/Private Detectives

3 letter Agency Employees/Former 3 letter Agency Employees

Agency Spies and Assets/ Former Agency Spies and Assets

Government Officials/Former Government Officials

And more….

In other words, treating another human being like a dog on a leash does not bother them in the least. They are all psychopaths! Most of these people come from and participate in the “sexual bondage” community that are totally protected by the LGBTQP's and are hidden Satanists or Luciferians hiding among them - who then get jobs inside of the 3 letter agencies all over the world.

You can see some of these psychopath's at “Gay Pride” parades holding the leash of another human being who is crawling on the ground just like a dog!

These people believe that kind of thing is acceptable!

They “get off” on treating other human beings like animals and these are the very people who use RNM and V2K on others.

Sadly, most world governments are now filled with people just like this and people in the World Economic Forum like Klaus Schwab and Noah Hararri are typical of this type of human “slave” thinking, and are on Record telling you on Video that human beings are now HACKABLE ANIMALS and that it is okay to do this.

Referal Site : 👇

Podcast mentioned : 👇

Information links to PROJECT LOOKING GLASS

Extremely good!
Here is a video of Bill wood with Lisa Harrison. He talks about the Spiritual Side of Looking Glass, as well as the corrupt side of it.






Please listen to this hour long podcast which is OF MOST IMPORTANTS TO BE SPREAD!

For more of Bradley's Prophetic Insight to Global Events and the causes of those events - please visit www.lovetruthsite.com and read from the over 5,000 articles that he has written in just seven years!


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