Episode 9: Did Ordinary's Hard Work End Up Creating the Dream Life? Lee Ann Bonnell Live

1 year ago

Episode 9: Did Ordinary's Hard Work End Up Creating the Dream Life?

A time later, we catch up with our friend Ordinary in his new office in a local office park. Ordinary is working on a new project with a client.

As Ordinary gained confidence from working with Bold Red Head, he started to try things. Ordinary talked to potential investors and got real information about the requirements needed for investment.

"Right now!" suddenly became the right focus to move steadily toward The Dream. Nothing else was going to get attention unless it was part of The Dream.

Ordinary gave notice at his Boring Job. It was bittersweet, and on his last day, looked around, and smiled. This was the last day of Boring Job and the perceived security of a salary.

While working his notice, Ordinary set up some sales calls for a product called New Thing, that he designed.

This failed spectacularly.

The sales calls failed.

The product failed.

Anxiety ridden thoughts took root in Ordinary's head and turned into limiting beliefs. Fortunately, Bold Red Head was just a call away. Bold Red Head reminded Ordinary of his skills and helped him to vanquish these limiting beliefs and move forward.

After some tweaking of a product called New Thing, Ordinary started making sales. He was on his way.

Ordinary was so excited to have taken that step into the unknown and realize The Dream that was hidden in Deep Inner Vault.

Ordinary could now not imagine any other way of life. Hard work had paid off in creating the Dream Life.

When clients succeed, coaches succeed.

The road to success is never a straight line. It is full of ups and downs, loop de loops, and bumps, every once in a while things go as planned.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to reach out to someone who could help you when you hit one of these obstacles?

Action Step: What is the one thing to focus on that would get you moving toward your dream?

If you are feeling stuck, or like you're not moving forward as quickly as you would like, find your Bold Red Head. It will make all the difference.

A master coach can provide support and guidance to help you plan out the next steps in your path.

If you don't have a coach or someone to help you, it may just be time for you to hire one. It is worth the investment if it means achieving your dreams and ultimately what you have been put on this earth to do.

All it takes is for you to go to http://meetwithleeann.me and please schedule your free 30 minute call with me.

Please go and pick your time with me NOW, please before you forget, because you deserve to pursue happiness and leave the ordinary world!

#gritandgrace #BoldRedHead #OrdinaryDreams #nextsteps #RightNOW

If you’d love a customized strategy based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at http://meetwithleeann.me

Connect with me on social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leeannbonnellcoaching
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leeannbonnell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gritandgrace2

Testimonials found on this website are actual client reviews of Lee Ann Bonnell and Lee Ann Bonnell Coaching. Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results. The information contained on this website is intended for general informational purposes only.

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