Russian Defence Ministry report 250822 on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

1 year ago

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

Velyaminov's pig pen

💥High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 5 combat aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force at Mirgorod military airfield in Poltava Region. 1 Su-27 and 1 Su-24 have been destroyed. Another 2 Su-27s and 1 Su-24 suffered critical damage. The enemy's casualties in manpower were up to 30 Nationalists.

💥High-precision strike on Dnepr military airfield in Dnepropetrovsk Region has destroyed 3 aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force.

💥High-precision strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces near Novyi Bug, Nikolaev Region, has destroyed command post of Kakhovka grouping of Ukrainian troops. The attacks have resulted in the destraction of up to 64 nationalists and 7 units of military equipment.

💥Iskander missile have hit a military train at Chaplino railway station in Dnepropetrovsk Region, destroying over 200 AFU servicemen reserve and 10 units of military equipment on their way to Donbass war zone.

💥High-precision strikes continue against Ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities that repair weapons and military equipment for Ukrainian troops.

💥High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed the workshops of armoured weapons and multiple rocket launchers repair facility in Shepetovka, Khmel'nitskyi Region.

▫️In Zaporozhye, the production buildings of Iskra plant, where air defence and counter-battery radar stations are being repaired, have been hit. The production buildings of MigRemont aircraft repair plant, which was used to restore aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force, have been also destroyed.

💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery strikes continue against military facilities in Ukraine.

▫️7 AFU command posts have been hit near Velikomikhailovka in Dnepropetrovsk Region, Nikolaev city, Artemovsk, Pereezhnoye, Kaleniki, Soledar in Donetsk People's Republic and Poltava in Zaporozhye Region, as well as 149 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration.

▫️4 ammunition depots near Gulyaipole in Zaporozhye Region, Krasnaya Gora in Donetsk People's Republic, Zmiyev in Kharkov Region, Zhovtnevoye in Nikolaev Region and a fuel storage facility for military equipment near Golitsynovo in Nikolaev Region have been destroyed.

💥In course of counter-battery warfare, 2 platoons of Grad multiple-launch rocket systems near Artemovskoye and Sukhaya Balka and 3 platoons of D-30 howitzers at firing positions in Novgorodskoye, Veseloe and Evgenovka Donetsk People's Republic have been suppressed.

💥Russian air defence means have shot down 5 unmanned aerial vehicles near Kamenka in Kharkov Region, Urozhainoye, Vasilevka, Zelenyi Gai in Donetsk People's Republic and Kamysh Zarya in Zaporozhye Region.

▫️In addition, 19 shells of HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted near Kakhovskaya HPP, Kherson and Donetsk cities.

📊In total, 273 Ukrainian airplanes and 148 helicopters, 1,808 unmanned aerial vehicles, 369 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,384 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 819 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,340 field artillery and mortars, as well as 5,048 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

❗️Ukrainian troops continue shelling of Zaporozhye NPP and Energodar city.

▫️During the day, Ukrainian artillery have launched 7 large-calibre artillery strikes against NPP area. The shelling was carried out from Ukrainian troops' firing positions near Nikopol', Marganets, Vyshetarasovka and Chervonogrigorovka, located on the opposite bank of Kakhovka reservoir.

▫️Russian Armed Forces artillery return fire have suppressed enemy firepower.

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